Why Choose AGP?

Authors Get Published is an online publishing platform that publishes excellent, quality books of all kinds. We publish cookbooks, comics, novels (both fiction and non-fiction), short stories, poems, and much more.

Full Service

Unlike some other publishers, we are a boutique full service publishing, design and distribution house. What does that mean? It means that instead of going through many channels that each take a percentage of each book sale (leaving you, the author, with very little in the end), we sell books directly on our site so more money goes into your pocket. It also means that we design your book’s cover and internal pages for maximum appeal value, making sure you as the author are properly marketed.

Want to sell your book on Amazon, with booksellers and with us? No problem…we can do that too, allowing you and your book to get maximum exposure for greater sales.

Two Weeks

Unlike many other publishers who get back to you within months (if interested), we get back to you within two weeks and let you know if we feel your masterpiece is a good fit for us. If it isn’t, we will let you know so you can find the right home for your manuscript.

We publish our books via Ingram, the world’s largest printer and distributor.

When Your Book Sells

One of the great things about us is that we believe in letting you know about your book sales each quarter so when your book has been sold, you actually get your share of the money.

Some of the Costs of Publishing

Traditional publishing means that the author pays a bit up-front and the publishing house invests time and resources into the author and their work. All of the following costs are costs that a Publisher helps you with:

  • Manuscript content (providing suggestions on making the manuscript the best it can be for the given audience and market) also known as Beta reading
  • Spelling and grammar checks
  • Format the manuscript into the online formatting system
  • Ensuring that the pdf pages in the online formatting system are done correctly (this is a huge process)
  • Assisting with approving the pdf copy
  • Ensuring the interior & covers are appropriate, eye-catching and meaningful
  • Ensuring spine sizes are as needed
  • Putting the book up for publication once approvals have all been met
  • Suggesting book prices based on market conditions
  • Implementing effective sales policies
  • Tracking sales

Your Platform

One of the most important roles of a Publisher is to inform its audience, the Writers it publishes.

As such, AGP takes it upon itself to let you, the Writer, be aware of your tool: your platform. Your platform is your message and how you are going to present that message. When you sign up for a social media account or you submit your manuscript for publication consideration, you are building your platform. You are building your audience and this is really important because it gives your potential buyers (the readers) the opportunity to get to know you.

You see, you have a unique perspective. You may be writing about finance and while there are others who also write about finance, nobody is going to do it just like you. You may present the information in a humorous way, you may present the information with vivid and true explanations and examples from your own experiences, you may yet present the information in the form of color-coded charts. Whatever your way is, it is your way and that’s one of the things that makes your platform unique.

And everyone has their unique stance. Every person, no matter who you are. You will have a way to write and to present the information in a uniquely “you” way.

That’s a big part of what AGP is looking for in the manuscripts we read. We are looking for your fresh way of presenting the information and to do so in a clear, and concise way.

When you become one of our authors, it is also very important to continue building your platform. We are looking to help represent you and to help you to be successful in the lit space but if you are not using your own platform and you are not building your own following, then a big part of the equation is missing.

Lastly, we would like to point out that when you are building your platform, that you are authentic. Authentic means that you are presenting yourself as you really are, and people who try to present themselves as one way but are really another are not doing themselves a big favor. People are attracted to others who are themselves and if that means that you are a messy person talking about cleaning your house, then that’s how it should be presented because there are others like you who want to have a clean house but are also messy. Be authentically you because there is a market that is looking for your specific brand of you.

Your Manuscript’s Journey

Let’s face it: it takes time to write a great manuscript. Whether your story is of a fiction or non-fiction genre, whether it is a romance, a mystery, a paranormal, a Christian book, a sci-fi or what have you, your WIP (work in progress) is likely going to go through many different versions and drafts. And that is more than fine.

It is really important to feel good and to feel comfortable about your manuscript, your characters, your plot, theme and settings, and much more. Each aspect of your book is really important and really helps to highlight who you are as an author as well.

This is why many authors go through many drafts of their book before finally submitting it. If you are in that boat and you would like to have your book beta-read, it may be wise to approach beta readers to see their thoughts on your manuscript and how they may suggest you move forward.

There is nothing wrong with changing things up several times, if need be, and there is nothing wrong with making sure that you are happy and comfortable with your manuscript because bear in mind that once you submit your manuscript for consideration, that is the version AGP is reading and considering, and that we are assuming that no more changes are imminent.

So please make sure that you are submitting the version of your work that you are happiest with!

You Are the Expert

I say this to authors and prospective authors all the time: you are the expert in what you are writing about. Nobody can write this book as well as you.

A lady I know is simply a whiz at being organized. Her home is super clean and neat and tidy and she enjoys putting her full effort into getting everything organized for herself and for her family. This is great. When I suggested to her that not everyone is so great at being neat and organized, and that she should write a book about this, she was taken aback at first. She realized that everyone is not as organized as she is and that people could benefit from being inspired by the way that she is. When you are really good at something and you dedicate the time to doing it, that makes you really good at it and it can qualify you to write a book about it because people would benefit from what you have to teach there.

In our submission process, we ask that you identify why you are the best person to write this book. This is the time and the space where you write out how you identify with being that person that your friends and family come to for help and for advice in this field, or how you are really good at doing this.

You do not have to be full time employed in something to be an expert at it. Not at all. In the example of the lady I know, nobody is paying her to be so good at being organized. She is just like that because she enjoys the feeling of being so organized and being so on top of things. It’s because she is so good at it and she chooses to put in the time and the effort that makes her an expert at it.

Reflection & Writing Time:

What are you so good at and do you enjoy that makes you the best possible person to write a book on that thing? Have you ever thought to try your hand at teaching about that thing because you know others would benefit from it? Again, you don’t have to be currently paid at doing it or fully employed at doing it in order to write a book about it that will help and benefit others.

Authors write because they have something interesting and important to say and they want to share that information with the global market. You may know about things that you would like to write about, talk about and teach to someone else who may not be very familiar with that content or is familiar with it but may want to learn or know more about it from someone else’s perspective.

Also, when you take the time to write your manuscript and you put your all into it, sharing your experiences, ideas and perspective, others will learn from that and will benefit from it. It may not necessarily be their stance or their perspective but they will take something and learn something from your writing and that is a very important part of the equation.

As an author, you are at the forefront of the development of the literary industry.

You are creating this book because you have something important and relevant to say about it that will teach and help others and when you publish with AGP, we cut down the time it takes to get your book to market because our staff are dedicated to making sure that there is no unnecessary lag time. We work with you quickly and we make sure the output is the best it can be!

That is one of the reasons Authors Get Published (AGP) exists : to bring to market the most well-written books that, with beautiful and thoughtful detail, bring to life information that is invaluable to the global market.

Manuscript Submission

We are currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts from new and seasoned authors on a variety of topics.

Please send all of the following to us in 1 email to the Editor-in-Chief at Christine@AuthorsGetPublished.com if you are interested in submitting your manuscript for publishing consideration:
– 1-paragraph outline of the book
– First three chapters of the manuscript
– Your bio and resume, including why you believe you are qualified to write on this topic
– Your vision for the book (where would you like to see it end up ideally)
– How you plan to market your own book (over weeks, months, years,…)
– If you currently have your own website and the link for it
– Any other pertinent details about you or your book that we should know

Please make sure that your submission does not contain spelling or grammar errors. We will discard submissions with such errors.

Thank you!