In my last post, I promised a more detailed breakdown of what the publishing partnership entails. Well, here is that post. The publishing partnership is a long-term partnership and involves many pieces. I have broken down each by responsibilities of the publisher and responsibilities of the author.
Responsibilities of the Publisher
- to provide you with a fair and comprehensive publishing contract
- to use in-house talent for editing and illustrations (feedback or creation)
- to use their professional website to market the book you published with us
- to provide you with information on book sales
- to run promotions that will also promote your book
- to provide you with your share of the book sales
- to treat you with professional respect
Responsibilities of the Author
- to respectfully submit to the publisher in the manner that the publisher has specified
- to carefully read over and consider all parts of the publishing contract prior to e-signing it
- to work with the publisher in a respectful and professional manner (including spell-checking and grammar-checking all your work)
- to work with the publisher in ensuring that the content, the format, the layout and more are done to best project the book’s best qualities
- to maintain a social media and website presence that will help to market the book published with AGP
- to engage in media pieces that will help promote the book published with AGP
Well folks, I hope that gives you some info about the basics of each side’s responsibilities. This is really important info and if you have any questions about it, please email me at