The AGP Advantages

Authors Get Published is an online publishing platform that publishes excellent, quality books of most kinds and is a distribution house too. We publish cookbooks, comics, novels (both fiction and non-fiction), short stories, poems, and much more and we sell them right from our site so that we don’t lose the prospective buyer in transit. They can check out your book from our site AND buy the book easily and conveniently.
We also believe in staying true to the Word of God and so everything we publish is in-line with the Word of God, and respectful of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Full Service

Unlike some other publishers, we are a boutique full service publishing, design and distribution house. What does that mean? It means that instead of going through many channels that each take a percentage of each book sale (leaving you, the author, with very little in the end), we sell books directly on our site so more money goes into your pocket. It also means that we design your book’s cover and internal pages for maximum appeal value, making sure you as the author are properly marketed. These are not services provided by most publishers.

Want to sell your book on Amazon, with booksellers and with us? No problem…we can do that too, allowing you and your book to get maximum exposure for greater sales.

Two Weeks

Unlike many other publishers who get back to you within months (if interested), we get back to you within two weeks and let you know if we feel your masterpiece is a good fit for us. If it isn’t, we will let you know so you can find the right home for your manuscript.

We publish our books via Ingram, the world’s largest printer and distributor.

When Your Book Sells

One of the great things about us is that we believe in letting you know about your book sales each quarter so when your book has been sold, you actually get your share of the money.

Some of the Costs of Publishing

Traditional publishing means that the author pays a bit up-front and the publishing house invests time and resources into the author and their work. All of the following costs are costs that a Publisher helps you with:

  • Manuscript content (providing suggestions on making the manuscript the best it can be for the given audience and market) also known as Beta reading
  • Spelling and grammar checks
  • Format the manuscript into the online formatting system
  • Ensuring that the pdf pages in the online formatting system are done correctly (this is a huge process)
  • Assisting with approving the pdf copy
  • Ensuring the interior & covers are appropriate, eye-catching and meaningful
  • Ensuring spine sizes are as needed
  • Putting the book up for publication once approvals have all been met
  • Suggesting book prices based on market conditions
  • Implementing effective sales policies
  • Tracking sales